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In cases in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+4Posted:2018-11-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: incasein caseencasecasesencasedin case ofjust in caseencasement
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151 While progress in reducing the burden of malaria has been remarkable, resurgences in cases were observed in parts of at least three African countries (Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, and Zambia).
152 In cases when outbound mapping does not meet the requirements for identity mapping, inbound identity mapping can open up new options.
153 Transient reversible hypotension may occur in cases of accidental overdosage.
154 In cases such as contract signing, urgent construction or repair, visits to patients in critical condition and other emergencies, you may apply for emergency service without charge.Sentence dictionary
155 In cases of non-payment, UPS reserves the right to charge an administrative fee on any amount outstanding as of the payment date.
156 Conclusions The facial appearance is improved by the above operations in cases who have worn artificial eye a long time, particularly the insertion of Medpor for correction of lower lid chalasis.
157 It is even possible for the business user to retroactively calculate history for a KPI in cases where the existing data can be re-analyzed over a period of time.
158 Babinski sees the ombudsman's office playing an important role in cases where a federal agency either is moving too slowly in releasing records or has denied a FOIA request.
159 The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
160 Conclusion Preoperative perfusion chemotherapy via left gastric artery in cases with cardiac cancer of the stomach is an effective measure in increasing resection rates in surgery.
161 Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections.
162 Objective:To reduce the growth of bacterium on the external urethral orifice and prevent urinary tract infection in cases with aerocyst-urethral catheter.
163 Article 33 When disposing the distraint involved in cases, the department of handling cases shall put forward opinions which is subsequently submitted to the procurator-general for making a decision.
164 That would also explain the government's incoherent secrecy demands in cases like the De Sousa suit.
165 In cases where severe changes in cells are discovered, the outer layer of the portio vaginalis is removed in an operation.
166 In cases of illegal possession , it provides for the animal's seizure.
167 Nutritional marasmus is the most frequent form of PEM in cases of prolonged food shortage.
168 In cases of necessity, the customs may organise testing and inspection,( and hold results of testing and inspection recognized by the customs as a basis for commodities categorisation.
169 In cases of this kind it is wrong to rashly take disciplinary measures.
170 Objective:To observe that action of motor function on was improved with up-date promoting- canalization technique in cases of severe cerebral injury of recovery.
171 From the above evidence it appears that milk thistle is very helpful in cases of acute mushroom poisoning.
172 In cases of this kind, you can buy near the low point or sell near the high point of that range and protect with a stop loss order 1 to 3 points away.
173 Urethritis and balanitis circinata occurred in cases fulfilling the classification criteria of Reiter's syndrome, with conjunctivitis in and corneitis in one.
174 Here is some constructive advice from Henry V that could be adapted to trial strategy: "In cases of defence 'tis best to weigh/The enemy more mighty than he seems."
175 A spirochetal etiology can be suspected in cases of IPT-LN, independently from the extension of the lesions, especially when pronounced follicular hyperplasia is found.
176 We have described a technique of primary simultaneous repair of the lip, maxilla, and nose in cases of a unilateral cleft with a discussion of postsurgical results with regard to the nasal alae.
177 Every human being dreams (except in cases of extreme psychological disorder) but men and women have different dreams and different physical reactions.
178 In cases where the export goods are to be transported from one customs area to another, the provisions of the Customs General Administration shall be followed.
179 So retrogressive, in fact, was the new court that on occasion it tended to be blindly reactionary in cases involving economic and social policies.
180 Objective To understand change and pathogenesis of microalbuminuria ( MAU ) in cases of adiposity.
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